  About Hell's Angels
  Screen Shots
  The History of RB3D
  In Memory of

Information for People New to RB3D
by JGS4Fubar

Salute! Saludo! Gruß! Salut! Saluto! saudação! from RB3D Recruiting Officers

Come fly the skies of WW1, in Red Baron 3D!
When men were made of steel and planes were made of wood!
Hear your opponent grunt if wounded or scream if you shoot him in the head. Have your wings pop off if you over stress them, black out if too many G's are pulled, deal with gun jams, all the while looking at your opponent from mere feet away. Learn to take advantage of each planes strengths or weaknesses and how to exploit your enemies. Whether you live or die an honorable Salute is given.

Brief History
Red Baron a WW1 flight simulation that has been around since 1992 RB, 1995 RBII, 1998 RB3D.

There are approximately 700 players who play RB3D in over 50 squads? On average you will find 30 to 50 players online at any time of the day or night from all nations and back grounds, as well as 30-40 servers of all descriptions and FM's. You can either join a squad or fly as an independent.

Getting Started

RB3D for sale

There is a no CD work around. Click 6 six times on the top right maltease cross insert cd icon.
Image http://newbie.wings-of-valor.net/BasicNoCdWorkAround.jpg

You will need the 1078 patch to see servers online. Available here http://www.wings-of-valor.net/files/patches/rb3d1078.exe
Also if you have RBII get super patch here http://www.wings-of-valor.net/files/patches/rb3d_spr.exe

Hardware Requirements
Pentium 133
32 MBs RAM
140 MB Hard Drive Space**
SVGA 256 colors

Pentium 233MHz
48 MB Ram
300 MB Hard Drive Space**
SVGA 256 colors
Windows Compatible Sound Card
28.8 modem for MMP

For best graphics it is best to have a voodoo card. Either direct or by using a voodoo 2 with SLI patch through cable. But it works fine in OpenGL or Direct draw, just the graphics are a bit poor until you install the terrain patches.
There are some glide wrappers out there which are being improved each day. This one is about 95% perfected.
Image http://newbie.wings-of-valor.net/glidos-snap.jpg

Operating System
WinXP Win2K
Does present some problems, its nothing that hasn't been addressed in this document.
Also you may run into some other problems which need to be addressed on an individual basis due to hardware. These are best addressed at the WOV forum everyone will be glad to help you.

Enhancements combined
Most patches and enhancements can be reached by going to the files section at
http://www.wings-of-valor.net/ or
http://www.jamrom.com/hellsangels -
Hell's Angels Super Patch
Western Front Patch Modified AFM FM/DM
http://www.wingwalkers.org/jasta1/newplmain.htm Promised Land
http://www.xs4all.nl/~rensg/ Rens combined terrain, sounds, planes
http://richthofen.jagdgeschwader1.com/Flanders.html Flanders in Flames modified AFM FM/DM additional planes
KFM weird and wacky Flight Model. I don’t know of a link?

Since its release over 4000 paints either for squads of freelancers have been created and are available for use at http://www.flybert.net/
With 22 planes and 190 paint schemes available to be created and used either for personal or squads making a whopping 4180 total paints available. Plus some of the new patches have added other planes boosting the number.
Image http://newbie.wings-of-valor.net/minicollage.jpg

Sound enhancements
Blue Max theme music at WOV
Promised Land enhanced sounds

Terrain/SP campaign enhancements
http://siralesi.bei.t-online.de/baron4.ted Sir Alesi’s Island mtns
http://www.wytbear.com/thehangar/ Devils Island
http://swwisa.net/munro/ Italian front
http://swwisa.net/munro/ Russian Civil War
http://swwisa.net/munro/ Middle East Patch
http://www.rhoag.com/index.html On The Edge graphics on CD for 8.50-10$US
http://www.jamrom.com/hellsangels/scenery.htm - Hell's Angels Super Patch OTE/PL combo patch

http://h.webring.com/hub?sid=&ring=redbaron2&id=&hub Red Baron web ring

Organized Events
There are a number of organized events available for squad members or mercenaries either in Normal Flight Mode NFM or Advanced flight Mode AFM plus an additional selection of modified FM's DM's FIF, KFM and GW to name a few.
If you like co-op RB3D is the place to be

Red Baron Gaming League http://www.jasta18.com/textonly/rbgl/
Red Baron World League 4th annual http://rbwl.sqhq.net/
FIF modified AFM http://richthofen.jagdgeschwader1.com/Flanders.html Speed Cup race http://www.terra.es/personal6/airsurfer/
GW Great War in its 5th annual http://www.greatwars.org/
War Forces http://warforces.sqhq.net/
Strategic Air War http://saw.wings-of-valor.net/
SNF http://www.homestead.com/misfitssquadron/The_SNFs.html
Rhinebeck RL meeting http://www.oldrhinebeck.org/
One Life to Live http://trak.to/oltl
Hunters of the Sky http://www.geocities.com/ww1aces/
Combat Air Patrol http://www.geocities.com/combatairpatrol/
There are too many others to mention them all, not to mention all of the individual squadron challenges.

Servers Its free!
You can either run your own or join in with others.
The possibilities for server setups are limitless.
You have a choice of two Flight model’s Advanced FM or Normal FM (not to mention all of the newly created FM's KFM, FIF, WFP etc).

Each FM has three different settings Novice, Veteran. or Ace.

There are four different server types.
Melee, Team melee, Team target melee, or get the baron where you can choose the number of barons at will. Also Rens has created a new Real Front server RFS for balloon busting.
http://www.xs4all.nl/~rensg/ Rens Real Front Balloon busting
You will also find a new security enhancement at Rens site it is required for some servers.

You can add or subtract targets to create a map of your choosing or select from the different target densities settings of sparse, medium, dense or full. You also have a choice of 4 map sizes small, medium, large and full. With 4 maps too choose from Island, Alsace, Flanders, and Marne.

You can set up progressive wars by date or if you like have all planes available.

No longer need to bomb in turn. New server logging prm records all destroyed trgts.
New server log distiller easily allows you to corrolate scores.

There is a great server setup utility here at http://www.wings-of-valor.net/files/patches/rb2serverM02.zip with graphical interface for ease of use.